Welcome to
St. Ann Catholic Church
17111 Route 1
S. Chesterfield, VA 23834
(804) 526-2548

Children's Ministries & Faith Formation
"You have asked to have your child baptized. In doing so you are accepting the responsibility of training them in the practice of the faith."
From the Rite of Baptism
Jesus’ final words were “Go, and make disciples of all nations.”
As Catholics, we make the intentional choice to be ACTIVE followers of Jesus.
This includes a commitment to form our families and ourselves as disciples.
At St. Ann, we take this command seriously by providing quality faith formation opportunities
for every age and stage in life.
We welcome your family’s participation as learners, mentors, parents, catechists, aides,
youth leaders, food providers and prayer supporters.
Contact us to learn what opportunities await YOU!
Samuel Moss: Elementary Faith Formation Pre-K - 5th grade) & First Sacraments
Elise Chapman - Director of Youth Ministry: 6th-12th Grade Christian Formation, Youth Ministry & Youth Confirmation
Contact the office: Adult Faith Formation, RCIA, Adult Sacraments, Weddings/Annulments, Baptism
Pre K - 5th Grade Faith Formation
ELEMENTARY FAITH FORMATION It is never too late to join! Now is always a good time!
St. Ann's provides children with a comprehensive formation in the Catholic Faith through the use of the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies. The program consists of:
Weekly Lectionary-based lessons which are centered around the scripture readings for that Sunday's Mass that are presented in a newsletter format. The lessons teach the key doctrines of the Catholic Christian faith while connecting to Sunday Eucharist.
A Faith Formation Handbook: What the Church Believes and Teaches - This is a companion book to the weekly leaflet that contains all the basics of the Catholic Faith, presented in an age-appropriate format.
Elementary Faith Formation
Sunday mornings 9:45am - 11am (between Masses)
See Class dates on the Elementary CF Schedule at left
St. Ann's children's program includes outreach activities, prayer, music, and crafts. The goal of the program is to introduce children to a personal relationship with Jesus and to show them how to live out our faith.
Parent & Family Connections:
Weekly Parent Newsletters are sent to parents with a Gospel summary, discussion starters, and ideas & activities for living the Gospel message at home, school and community.
In December, a Family Advent celebration is hosted by the children of the elementary program (open to all)
During Lent, a Family Stations of the Cross is hosted by the children of the elementary program (open to all)
Fun with Faith Days are held several times per year. These days are opportunities for the children and family members to come and share faith in creative ways through stories, crafts, music, and drama.
The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered to children who have already received the sacraments of initiation. The sacrament is scheduled by grades at least twice per school year.
Special Needs & Special Issues:
Don't hesitate to contact us to find out how we can assist with special needs such as learning issues, allergies, sacrament "catch-up" for older children, bilingual resources, and home school support.
CHILDREN'S LITURGY OF THE WORD (ages 4 to grade 2)
St. Ann's offers Children's Liturgy of the Word during the Sunday morning Masses from September to May. Children first gather in the church with their families for Mass. After the Introductory Rites, the children, ages 4 through Grade 2, are invited forward for a blessing from the assembly and then sent to the chapel. There, they break open the scriptures of the day with a presentation suitable for their age level. They return to their families at the Preparation of the Gifts.
All children, ages 4 to grade 2 are welcome to participate (even visitors), as long as their parents/guardians are present in the church for Mass. Adult volunteers and teens are always needed to assist with this ministry. If you would like to help, contact the office for more information.
St. Ann's hosts a Vacation Bible School for a week during the summer months . The program is offered in the mornings and is open to all children, ages 4 through rising 6th graders. Children do not have to be parish members or Catholic to participate. Middle and High School youth volunteer to serve as team members, song & drama leaders, and snack makers. Adult Volunteers are needed in a variety of roles. Contact the office for information.
1st Sacraments for Children
Catholic Canon Law provides Baptism preparation classes for parents who whish to have a child baptized. The baptism of infants and young children is supported by scripture and was practiced since the beginning of Christianity. Infant baptism is based on the assurance of the parents and Godparents that the child will be raised within a Catholic Christian household that is actively practicing their faith and will gradually introduce their child to a life of discipleship.
Baptism preparation classes consist of two parent meetings, held on Sunday afternoon. The classes are offered several times each year. Check the bulletin or call the office for the next scheduled class times.
Baptisms for young children are held during the regularly scheduled weekend Masses, usually 1- 2 weeks after the preparation classes. Contact the parish office to sign up for the next class.
Catholic Canon Law recognizes that when children have reached the "age of reason" (around 7 years), that they are capable of speaking on their own behalf. This means that they must speak for themselves when preparing for and celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism.
All who are unbaptized, from the "age of reason" through adults, are prepared for Baptism through a process called the Catechumenate or the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). This preparation process is adapted for children and leads to the combined celebration of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist. To honor each person's individual journey of faith, we must discern how best to apply the preparation process to meet the child's needs and the needs of the entire family. For more information, contact the parish office.
FIRST EUCHARIST (First Communion)
St. Ann's provides First Eucharist preparation for children in grades 2 through 12. Children must be baptized Catholic and currently participating in the regular Christian Formation program. Preparation for First Eucharist includes several parent/child meetings and the completion of an at-home workbook (bilingual edition available). Preparation for First Reconciliation must take place BEFORE the celebration of First Eucharist. First Reconciliation preparation takes place in the fall/winter and is followed by preparation for First Eucharist in the winter/spring. (See "Sacraments of Healing" below for information about First Reconciliation)
FIRST RECONCILIATION (First Confession or First Penance)
St. Ann's provides First Reconciliation preparation for children in grades 2 through 12. Children must be baptized Catholic and currently participating in the regular Christian Formation program. Preparation for First Reconciliation includes several parent/child meetings and the completion of an at-home workbook (bilingual edition available). Preparation for First Reconciliation must take place BEFORE the celebration of First Eucharist. First Reconciliation preparation takes place in the fall/winter and is followed by preparation for First Eucharist in the winter/spring.
Safety First!
VIRTUS® is a national Catholic training program for the prevention of the abuse of minors. The Diocese of Richmond requires that all adult volunteers who work with minors must complete a background check and take the 3 hour VIRTUS training course. Please see www.virtus.org for more information or to register.
Click Here to Learn More About St. Ann's Safety Policies
Click Here to Learn More About the Diocese's Safety Policies