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Contact the Office
Samuel Moss
Faith Formation Coordinator

Sacrament Information

"The seven Sacraments touch all the stages and all the
important moments of Christian Life."
St. Thomas Aquinas
Sacraments of Initiation
Baptism, First Eucharist, and Confirmation


Catholic Canon Law provides Baptism preparation classes for parents who wish to have a child baptized. The baptism of infants and young children is supported by scripture and was practiced since the beginning of Christianity. Infant baptism is based on the assurance of the parents and Godparents that the child will be raised within a Catholic Christian household that is actively practicing their faith and will gradually introduce their child to a life of discipleship.

Baptism preparation classes consist of two parent meetings, held on Sunday afternoons. The classes are offered several times each year. Check the bulletin or call the office for the next scheduled class times.

Baptisms for young children are held during the regularly scheduled weekend Masses, usually 1-2 weeks after the preparation classes. Contact the Sam in the parish office to sign up for the next class.


Click Here for Godparent Affidavit Form (English)

Click Here for Godparent Affidavit Form (Espanol)

Click Here for Baptism Registration Form



Catholic Canon Law recognizes that when children have reached the "age of reason" (around 7 years), they are capable of speaking on their own behalf. This means that they must speak for themselves when preparing for and celebrating the Sacrament of Baptism. 


All who are unbaptized, from the "age of reason" through adults, are prepared for Baptism through a process called the Catechumenate or the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). This preparation process is adapted for children and leads to the combined celebration of Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist. To honor each person's individual journey of faith, we must discern how best to apply the preparation process to meet the child's needs and the needs of the entire family. For more information, contact the parish office.

FIRST EUCHARIST (First Communion)

St. Ann's provides First Eucharist preparation for children in grades 2 through 12. Children must be baptized Catholic and currently participating in the regular Christian Formation program. Preparation for First Eucharist includes several parent/child meetings and the completion of an at-home workbook (bilingual edition available).  Preparation for First Reconciliation must take place BEFORE the celebration of First Eucharist.  First Reconciliation preparation takes place in the fall/winter and is followed by preparation for First Eucharist in the winter/spring.  (See "Sacraments of Healing" below for information about First Reconciliation)



The Diocese of Richmond has established policies regarding the Sacrament of Confirmation for adolescents who have already received the Sacraments of Baptism and the Eucharist. 

  • In order for an adolescent to begin preparing for Confirmation, he or she must be currently enrolled in the 10th grade and at least 15 years of age.  Reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation will occur in the spring of the year in which the candidate has completed the preparation.


At St. Ann, 10th graders preparing for Confirmation are expected to attend High School Youth group, a kickoff day-long retreat, a weekend retreat, and a final retreat (scheduled after celebrating the Sacrament) geared specifically toward Confirmation preparation. These events are vital formation and preparation programs for receiving the Sacrament. Participation in all three retreat experiences is required. Advance notice of any conflicts will enable alternative arrangements to be made for make-up retreats/sessions.


Click Here for St. Ann's Confirmation Page






Weekly on Saturdays, 3:45-4:30pm in the Chapel, or by appointment. To make an appointment, please call the Church office (804-526-2548).

FIRST RECONCILIATION  (First Confession or First Penance)

St. Ann's provides First Reconciliation preparation for children in grades 2 through 12. Children must be baptized Catholic and currently participating in the regular Christian Formation program. Preparation for First Reconciliation includes several parent/child meetings and the completion of an at-home workbook (bilingual edition available). Preparation for First Reconciliation must take place BEFORE the celebration of First Eucharist.  First Reconciliation preparation takes place in the fall/winter and is followed by preparation for First  Eucharist in the winter/spring. 


Once reserved for those who are dying, this Sacrament is available to anyone who is facing major surgery or is seriously ill. If you or a loved one would like to receive the Sacrament, please contact the Church office (804-526-2548). If it is a life-threatening situation, please call the Sacramental Emergency Line (804-621-2687).


Although a funeral is not a Sacrament per se, it is an important time in the life of a Christian. If a loved one has died and you would like assistance in making funeral arrangements, please contact Katie Johnson, the Pastoral Associate (804-526-2548 or by email). Also, pre-planning your own funeral can be a gift to your loved ones and an important moment in your spiritual life. Contact Katie Johnson if you are interested.

Sacraments of Healing
Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick





A wedding is a joyful time in the life of the couple, their family and friends, and in the community of faith. If you would like to be married at St. Ann's contact Father Ernest at least six months prior to your desired wedding date. If you have questions about the annulment process, contact the office


Ordination to the priesthood or to the permanent diaconate is open to eligible Catholic men. Women and men are also called to the religious life -- to take vows as a religious sister or brother. If you are interested in a vocation to the priesthood or to religious life, please contact the Diocese of Richmond (804-359-5661) or click for the Office of Vocations or the Permanent Diaconate page.

Sacraments of Vocation
Marriage and Holy Orders
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