Welcome to
St. Ann Catholic Church
17111 Route 1
S. Chesterfield, VA 23834
(804) 526-2548
Watch the 11:15am (10:30 during the summer) Mass on the Homepage of this website or go to our Facebook page. (Click here)
The video is saved in both places for later viewing.
When possible, we livestream Holy Day Mass. Please check the bulletin for Mass times.
Liturgy & Music Ministries
"Sing to the Lord, bless His Name!" Psalm 96: 2
Mass Times
5:00 pm Mass
8:30 am Mass
11:15 am Mass
Monday No Mass
Tuesday 6:30 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am
Thursday 11:00 am
Friday 12:00 pm
On the first Thursday of each month, Mass is held at 10:30am at Colonial Heights Nursing and Rehab Center. On those days, the 11:00 daily Mass in our chapel is cancelled. All are welcome to join us for Mass at the Nursing Center.
On days when there is a funeral, daily Mass is often cancelled. Please consult our parish email for details.

Sunday Mass: Celebration of the Eucharist
The documents of the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965) about the Mass celebrate its importance as “the center of the Christian community,” “the source and summit of the Christian life,” root, source, center and culmination, meal and sacrifice. The Eucharistic celebration is at the heart of our faith and our life. At that heart, we meet Jesus Christ, truly present in his Word, in the celebrating community, in the presiding priest, and extraordinarily present in the Eucharistic bread and wine. This presence radiates into the heart of our life and transfigures it into “eucharist,” that is, thanksgiving and praise of God.
The people of St. Ann Catholic Church have committed themselves to provide an atmosphere of warmth, welcome, and love in our Sunday worship. If you are a newcomer to the experience of Catholic Mass, or you have been away for awhile, we invite you to "Come & See" what the Lord has to offer! On most Sundays, a worship aid is available on the table at the entrance of the church which can guide you through the liturgy. Just look for the sign on the table that says, "Are you a visitor?"
Quality liturgy does not happen on its own. Each weekend, over 100 volunteers share their time and talents to help make our worship experience possible. All are invited serve our community at Mass; training is provided and everything is scheduled in advance. Contact Katie Johnson in the church office (kjohnson@stanncc.com; 804-526-2548)
Liturgical Ministries
Altar & Arts—The ministers of Altar & Arts work together to ensure that our worship space is beautiful and prayerful. Using visual themes for each liturgical season, their efforts help us to experience the liturgy and absorb the meaning of each season of the year into our hearts and minds, and inspire us to carry those themes into our everyday lives. Those involved use their God-given gifts of creativity and hard work to transform our space and gently surprise us out of our everyday perceptions. While an artistic eye and creative vision are great, anyone who is willing to help can join Altar & Arts. Meetings are generally held on the second Thursday of the month, with workdays announced to the parish at large so everyone can help. Check the calendar in the bulletin.
Altar Servers—During the pandemic, we paused the ministry of Altar Server, but we are hoping to re-start during the 2022-2023 school year. Both adults and children (4th grade and up) are welcome to serve. If you or your child are interested, please let us know.
Eucharistic Ministers—Any Catholic who has received the Sacrament of Confirmation is eligible to be a Eucharistic Minister. This is a prayerful and joyful way to serve the St. Ann community at Mass. Training is scheduled at a mutually convenient time.
Eucharistic Outreach—Eucharistic Outreach Ministers are the presence of Christ and the Church to those who are ill, homebound, or otherwise unable to attend Mass. Ministers visit at times that are mutually convenient, generally every week or two. Beautiful friendships and deep prayer relationships are often formed, as you meet people where they are in their journey.
Lectors—Proclaim the word in the assembly and help our St. Ann Community worship and grow in faith. Training is scheduled at a mutually convenient time.
Liturgy Coordinators help to get everything set up before Mass begins and serve at the altar during Mass. They ensure that all lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and ushers are signed in, and that everything is set up for Communion.
Music Ministry—Contact Chris Lothamer (clothamer@stanncc.com) or just stop by to chat after Mass.
Adult Choir -- The St. Ann Adult Choir, a congenial mix of people, requires the ability to sing or to play an instrument moderately well. Auditions are never required, but enthusiasm is! The choir leads the parish in singing hymns and service music during Mass and performs choir pieces for the different liturgical seasons. Some choir members are encouraged to train as cantors or as soloists. Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 7:00pm.
Youth Choir -- This lively, vibrant group, known as the "Crescendos," lift up their voices and instruments in praise of God. The Crescendos are middle and high school youth sharing their gift of music either as vocalists or instrumentalists. Rehearsals are one hour before the Youth Group formation session on Sunday evenings, at 5:30pm. The Crescendos lead the congregation in song at the monthly Celebrate Youth Mass and at other liturgies throughout the year.
Children's Choir -- The Children's Choir is a group of energetic children in grades 1-5. They meet primarily in the weeks leading up to Christmas and lead the congregation at the 4:00pm Christmas Eve Mass. Additional opportunities to sing vary, depending on rehearsal and director availability.
Ushers assist during Mass in some simple but vital ways. They take a count of attendance, find a family or group to bring up the gifts, take up the collection, and distribute the bulletins after Mass. They help when an emergency arises during Mass and keep an eye on the safety and security of all in attendance.