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Katie Johnson
Pastoral Associate

Pastoral Care & Outreach Ministries

"Whatever you did for one of these least ones of mine, you did for me."
Matthew 25:40
Social Seniors
A variety of activities are planned for adults aged 55+.  We meet monthly (meetings published in bulletin and parish emails) and we always welcome new people and new ideas.  Contact Katie Johnson for general information.  (; 804-526-2548)


Happy Feet Dancers is a group of guys and gals who began line dancing together over six years ago. They meet in Condon Hall on Tuesday mornings from 9:30 until noon. They dance to all genres of music including waltz, cha cha, night club 2, west coast swing, current pop, and country tunes. Come to dance and form lasting friendships. Open to St. Ann's members and their friends. Think you have two left feet?  Guaranteed you don't!  Contact Candy McAdams (; 804-536-2459)

Several prayer and Bible study groups meet at St. Ann each week.  Other opportunities occur periodically throughout the year.  Please contact the person listed if you are interested.


Morning Pause – Meditation is an ancient form of prayer that assists the individual with quieting the body and mind, so as to sit quietly in the presence of the Divine. We begin by sharing prayer concerns, followed by prayer, a relaxation exercise, and then scripture sharing. Our time culminates in sitting in the Divine Presence in silence. If you are looking for a peaceful and uplifting opportunity to step away from the busyness of your daily schedule and deepen your relationship with God, please join us on Mondays from 9:00-10:00 AM in the chapel. Contact the office at 804-526-2548.


Wednesday 6:30 Bible Study—In the chapel, 6:30-7:30 AM. Contact Rob Kellis (; 804-931-9176)


Wednesday 9:30 Bible Study—In Rm. 6 of the school, 9:30-11:00 AM.  Contact Shirley Blotkamp (804-748-0473)


Women’s Spirituality—Thursdays in Rm. 6 of the school, 9:30-11:00 AM.  Contact Mary Henrich (; 804-720-4333)


Women’s Retreat—This ministry coordinates an annual retreat that gives women the opportunity to renew themselves spiritually through a variety of modalities that include prayer, personal reflection, group and individual sharing, hands on activities, and fellowship with other retreat participants. Contact the office at 804-526-2548.


Spiritual Direction—Offered one-on-one to adults who are interested in deepening their relationship with God.  Although there is often a particular situation or question for discernment that brings someone to spiritual direction, it is not meant for those who are in crisis.  Contact Katie Johnson (; 804-526-2548)

Pastoral Care is a group of ministries that offer care and support of various kinds to St. Ann parishioners and to the wider community.


AED/CPR—St. Ann has two AED defibrillators: one by the bathrooms in the church building and one in the school, near the office.  Training is offered once a year, usually in February, so that a sufficient number of parishioners can be ready to assist in an emergency.  All are encouraged to be AED/CPR certified.  Contact Cecily and Al Damour (; 804-748-0793)


Bereavement Ministry is reforming and re-imagining how we might best serve parishioners and others. If you are interested, contact Katie Johnson.


Martha Ministry provides hospitality for the family and friends of deceased members of our community following a funeral or memorial service.  We are organized into five teams with each team called upon to provide hospitality a few times a year.  We need people to provide food and/or to help with set-up, serving, and clean-up. We are blessed to be able to serve parish families during a difficult time in their lives. If you have any questions or would like to volunteer to be a Martha, contact Myra Weathington (; 804-541-0995 or 712-2759).


Stephen Ministry -- Stephen Ministers are carefully trained lay people who offer compassionate, one-on-one, Christ-centered care to those who are hurting because of loss, financial difficulties, family situations, job loss, etc. Stephen Ministry is “Christ caring for people through people.” Contact Laurel Rothenberger (; 804-898-1684) or Katie Johnson (; 804-526-2548)


PB & J Ministry is devoted to feeding the hungry through a daily lunch program at the HOPE Center in Petersburg. St. Ann supports this ministry by preparing PB & J sandwiches, chips and water in a bag lunch  on the fourth Wednesday of each month.  Volunteers meet at St. Ann at 8:30 AM to put the bags together and they are dropped off at the center. Contact Heidi Stafflinger (


Family Assistance—Through the on-going generosity of St. Ann parishioners, we are able to help many individuals and families each year who find themselves in financial difficulty.  These neighbors in need are not members of the parish, but ask for our assistance with rent, gas or electricity, medications, or other bills that they struggle to pay.  Some folks do not have work, others are employed but working at low-wage jobs, and still others are trying to get by on disability income.  We help on an emergency basis and also try to refer them to more long-term services in the area.  Food and gas for the car are often needed, and donations in the form of gift cards purchased through Feed Your Faith are gratefully accepted. 


Food Pantry—Our Daily Bread Food Pantry is a collaborative ministry of St. Ann and 8 other area churches.  We provide a week’s worth of food to 40-50 families in need each week.  The food pantry is a vital and complex ministry, and it runs on volunteer power.  Perishable items are picked up seven days each week from two area grocery stores and teams of volunteers distribute the food Monday through Friday.  We are in need of drivers to pick up food, team members to distribute food to clients, and other volunteers to help sorting donations, stocking shelves, and doing some cleaning.  We can accommodate almost any schedule.  We are also grateful for the generous support of those who donate non-perishable food items as well as funds that enable us to purchase perishables such as eggs, butter, and cheese.  Donations can be dropped off in the grocery baskets next to the chapel in the Commons. 


Food Pantry Vegetable Garden—Our garden helps provide fresh, nutritious vegetables for our food pantry guests. St. Ann parishioners volunteer to plant, maintain, and harvest several beds that are dedicated to the food pantry.  Other members “rent” a garden bed and grow what they want to feed their families, with the agreement that half of what they harvest goes to the pantry.  Contact Mike Richeson (; 804-337-0807)


Haga Fund—The Haga Fund was started in 2010 with a bequest from the estate of Elisa Haga, a long-time parishioner at St. Ann.  With her generosity, the parish was able to endow a fund that fulfills her desire to help those in need.  Each year, proceeds from the investment of this fund help parish families who find themselves in financial crisis due to loss of job, long-term illness, or other circumstances.  Since its beginning, the fund has distributed almost $200,000 to our brothers and sisters in the church.  It is administered by the pastor, the pastoral associate, and three parishioners named by the pastor, and all proceedings are held in confidence.  Contact Katie Johnson (804-526-2548,


Pass It On—We are called by Jesus to “clothe the naked” and care for those among us who are in need.  As part of our fulfillment of this call, St. Ann hosts Pass It On two times each year.  In fall and spring, Condon Hall and the school building are transformed into a free "department store" for babies and children, with clothing, toys, bikes, diapers, and shoes, as well as maternity clothes for expectant mothers.  Parents are referred by local churches and agencies and are among the most needy in our community.  Grant money helps provide one new “big” item if needed, such as a crib, car seat, dresser, or child bed. Parishioners participate by donating clean, gently used children’s clothing and toys, by helping to set up, and by volunteering on the Saturday morning of the event.  


Prison Ministry—Members of St. Ann visit incarcerated women and men once each month to lead Bible study, pray, and offer companionship.  Contact Cathy Laskowski (804-748-0527) or Jeff Mincks (804-526-7061)


Prayer & Spiritual Growth
Pastoral Care
Outreach Ministries
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